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What if love is actually the answer?

“The more we flee our shadowy places, the more they fester in the dark and the more haunted this house becomes.” John Welwood

What if......

One day, March 25, 2016 to be exact, I was watching the news while something simmered on the stove. It was bad news after bad news after more bad news. It was all just so depressing. I shut the TV off, picked up my writing notebook and wrote this: 

What if we are to blame for all the bad things in the world?
What if coming here to earth was a very special gift given to those souls worthy of the human experience?
What if we are wasting the opportunity by not being loving to each other?
What if our only purpose here on earth, in these human bodies, is to increase the collective energy of the universe?
What if the only way to do that is to be more loving?
What if we are failing?
What if we are letting the dark side win?
What if our hearts are the answer?
What if?

All of the wisdom traditions claim that we are all one. Some say consciousness isn't something in our own head but collective. COLLECTIVE. How we think, and act, doesn't just impact us or the people in our immediate circle but the entire world. Until we start understanding that the dark shadow (the bad people in the world) is our shadow, there won't be any change in the world.

This is why pulling off the masks is so important. We need to get real about addressing our pain rather than avoiding it. “The more we flee our shadowy places, the more they fester in the dark and the more haunted this house becomes.” - John Welwood.

There is a lot of love in the world, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way sometimes. Especially since everyone is walking around with masks on, hiding their own pain. People think they are alone and end up doing terrible things because of that perceived aloneness. Giving love feels impossible when you're hurting. It’s hard to love others when you don’t feel loved or lovable.

When we are focused on the love that we aren't getting, we drift further and further away from love itself. Because it's not about the love we get but what we give. We need to think less about giving and getting love but more about being love. Be the love you want to feel.  We need to be the love we want to see in the world. BE THE ONE.

We’ve got to get out of the haunted house!

We have to help others with their pain.

We have to mend connections with the people in our tribes.

We have to learn to deepen the connections we have.

Vulnerability breeds connection. Connection breeds love. Love breeds more love!

What if I’m right?

What if love is the answer?

Love IS the answer. I know it.

Don’t waste this lifetime hating others, being angry at your family members, or feeling that you are alone in your pain. Reach out to someone. I’m happy to be that someone. You can even send me an anonymous message using the contact form on the blog. I can post my response to you on the blog. I’m here for you but so are your friends, your family, your spouse. Just reach out.

Be the love today......

As ever, and namaste


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