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Showing posts from April, 2018

Do you know where your stress is? Do you want to know?

I am almost at the end of my meditation teacher training. I’ve learned to teach 10 different meditations and have 2 more to go.   I’ve learned so much on this journey. In particular, not only how ignorant I was to the wide range of meditations there are, but how much I didn’t know about stress. I’m not talking about the feeling of stress. You know, when you’re overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to accomplish by the end of the day. Nor the feeling of being overworked or the pressures put upon you from your job whether that’s a deadline or other people counting on you. No, not that kind of stress. I’m talking about the kind of stress that lives deep, deep without our brains. The kind that effects our health in ways modern medicine is only beginning to understand. Every time we experience a traumatic event or intense feelings (grief, anger, fear) our "fight-flight-freeze" response (stress) gets turned on and when it does our body is flooded with adrenali